Signed in as:
Signed in as:
We are very happy to report - tonight - all five Finance Committee members attending voted unanimously to support the Quiet Zone warrant article! The sixth member, absent tonight, voted to support the Quiet Zone warrant article last week!
This is a huge step forward for the possibility of a Quiet Zone for all road crossings from Oak Street through West Street. The golf course is not included in the warrant article this May, and our work will continue to find a solution for the golf course crossing. But a major step forward is on the immediate horizon for five of the six railroad crossings in town.
Please send your thanks to the Finance Committee at
This is a critical time to get active and reach out to your Town Meeting Members! We have all been waiting to get this opportunity at Town Meeting and we need your help to let Town Meeting Members know how important this Article is to the members of this community!
Contacting your Town Meeting Member using the messaging form portal is easy - one message will go to all the Members representing your precinct
What if I don’t know my precinct?You can look at this map or check online using the MA website (
How should I contact my Town Meeting Members?Please use the precinct form links at the bottom of this email for your precinct.Don't forget to also reach out to At Large Members.Also check out the attached TMM contact list ... if you have a direct connection to any Members, please reach out personally!
What should I say?We recommend that you send a short, personalized message. You can keep it as simple as “Please vote YES on warrant Article #30 at May Town Meeting” or you can also include a few sentences on why upgrading the train crossings will positively impact you, your family, or your business. We are all neighbors -- please be respectful, positive, and productive.
What else can I do?The more outreach to Town Meeting Members, the better!
* Post a short message on your Facebook page! Town Meeting is next week! Send a message to Town Meeting Members using LINK ( and urge them to vote YES on Article #30 for a Needham Quiet Zone!
* Text your friends! Send a text message with the contact link and urge your friends and family in Needham to contact their Town Meeting Members.
* Talk to your neighbors! Talk to your neighbors and urge them to reach out to Town Meeting.
Contact Precinct B Town Meeting Members
Contact Precinct C Town Meeting Members
Contact Precinct D Town Meeting Members
Contact Precinct E Town Meeting Members
Contact Precinct F Town Meeting Members
Contact Precinct G Town Meeting Members
Contact Precinct H Town Meeting Members
Contact Precinct I Town Meeting Members
Contact Precinct J Town Meeting Members
Contact Town Meeting Members at Large
As we approach May Town Meeting, I am very excited to report on the progress the Town is making on achieving a Quiet Zone. Warrant Article #30 will be considered by Town Meeting Members on May 6th. The article appropriates $750,000 towards the first phase of the Quiet Zone work, and makes progress on 5 of the 6 crossings. Unfortunately, due to the complex nature of the golf course crossing, more work has to be done by the Quiet Zone Working Group and the outside consultants to determine the best path forward to alleviating noise at that location.
We are excited that Article #30 has unanimous support from the Select Board, a testament to the power our collective voices have to make change. We would not be here without your signatures, outreach, and support. The Needham Board of Health also voted to support Article #30, and will be sending a letter memorializing that support to Town Meeting.
What's Next
Safer Quieter Needham will be sending a mailing to all Town Meeting Members explaining the significance of Article #30 and urging them to vote yes. An equally important step will be hearing from YOU. Next week, Safer Quieter Needham is going to send an email with instructions on how to contact Town Meeting Members via the webform, and include sample language to help you frame your message. If you could take three minutes and send a note of support, it will make an impact. You can also use social media to urge your networks to reach out to Town Meeting as well – the more Needham residents who make contact, the better!
Thank you for the time and energy you have put forth to support the development of a Quiet Zone. The approaching May Town Meeting vote on Warrant Article #30 is a critical step. The meaningful progress we have made in the last three years is just the beginning, and we look forward to the day we have a safer, quieter Needham.
The QZ Working Group met tonight to review progress since the January meeting.
In a nutshell, a lot has been accomplished, with much more work to do. Needham’s transit engineering team and key town staff met with the MBTA and Keolis a couple of weeks ago to discuss a potential Quiet Zone throughout town and options to address the golf course. Several conversations and emails with the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), MBTA and Keolis personnel, other municipalities pursuing Quiet Zones, and various experts have happened over the last few weeks and are ongoing. The Working Group is rapidly gathering information about what is involved in making a Needham Quiet Zone a reality.
What is clear is that the journey ahead is a long one and will require a phased approach. Among the five crossings eligible to be part of an official Quiet Zone plus the golf course crossing, there are unique characteristics at each one that make the path forward different for each.
The Working Group’s goal is to provide a recommended path forward to the Select Board by the end of February. In turn, the Select Board will decide on the Warrant Article that it will present to Town Meeting and, beforehand, to the Finance Committee. Town Meeting Members will vote on whether to authorize proceeding with the Warrant Article in May.
More information is being compiled for the next Working Group meeting in late February when we expect to finalize the recommendation to the Select Board. After much discussion this evening, here is how it is shaping up:
Design & Engineering
Whether May Street is included in the Needham Heights QZ will depend on available budget. We will know more at the late February Working Group meeting. See below for more details regarding the Great Plain Ave and golf course crossings.
If you have comments, suggestions, or feedback, please send an email to or if you would prefer to provide anonymous comments please use this link here:
Thank you for time and support … we are inching closer and closer to a Needham Quiet Zone (and no routine train horns at the golf course too!).
The Quiet Zone Working Group met tonight to learn about progress by the transit engineering consultant (GPI). It was a productive meeting. We discussed the potential solutions for a Needham Quiet Zone (which covers West Street, Rosemary Street, May Street, Great Plain Ave, and Oak Street) and silencing routine train horns at the Golf Course (unable to be part of the official Quiet Zone due to regulations but hopefully receiving a similar package of safety upgrades to achieve the same outcome).
Each crossing has unique conditions, and so one size may not fit all. We reviewed potential solutions for each crossing, talked through some of the dimensional, operational, and financial implications, and reviewed aerial images and diagrams of each intersection. GPI provided preliminary cost information which helped with understanding the order of magnitude of various solution directions. The Working Group provided guidance on priorities, upcoming and long-range projects, and feedback on what might be preferred outcomes at specific crossings. In addition, GPI has begun discussions with the Federal Railroad Administration, which is the regulator of Quiet Zones in the U.S.
At a higher level, the Working Group discussed issues around maintenance costs and obligations, operational impacts around snow plowing, traffic operations, impacts due to nearby roadway intersections, and impacts on properties near each crossing. Several members of the Working Group have been involved in prior Needham studies on the Quiet Zone effort, and were able to bring forward valuable historical information about the status of Needham’s existing railroad crossing infrastructure.
The Working Group will meet again in mid-February. GPI is working to schedule a site visit of the Golf Course with the MBTA as soon as reasonably possible. Also, GPI will be compiling more advanced cost estimates based on what was discussed tonight. These estimates will help the Working Group to set out an anticipated solution package for final cost estimates in lead up to the upcoming Town Meeting warrant article.
We will continue to update you regularly in the coming weeks and months as Town Meeting approaches.
Happy New Year from SQN!
The Quiet Zone Working Group expects to meet later this month to review the first steps by the transit engineering consultant. We hope to meet more regularly thereafter for the next couple of months.
There is a lot of work to accomplish in a short amount of time to make sure we fulfill our mandate of getting quality information to the Select Board, to the Finance Committee, and ultimately to Town Meeting.
Town Meeting is just 4 months away! This month we are ramping up several efforts to ensure that the Quiet Zone topic gets the consideration it deserves this spring.
If you have any time you can volunteer, please send an email to and let us know. Many hands make light work, and there is a lot of work ahead over the next 4 months.
CommonWealth magazine reported yesterday that the T is expanding service. For Needham, weeknight service will run until 11:55 PM starting October 2nd, an hour later than it currently runs. Obviously this means even more disruption to sleep and quality of life for thousands of Needham residents that could be significantly improved if we had a quiet zone.
The article:
The Needham Quiet Zone Working Group continues its work on refreshing prior studies and budget estimates. A Request for Proposals has been issued by the town, seeking an expert transit engineer to conduct this effort. Next steps are expected to be announced later this fall, and we will keep you updated.
Thank you for your continued support of this issue.
If you have not done so already, or know anyone else who has not yet done so, please ask every voting-age household member to sign the petition:
We hope you have enjoyed a great start to the summer with hopefully some time away in recent weeks or coming soon.
After a bit of a respite following the Spring Town Meeting in May, progress continues.
The Select Board and Finance Committee have advanced the Quiet Zone topic as they said they would. In June, the Select Board established the Quiet Zone Working Group. Also in June, the Finance Committee allocated funding to the Quiet Zone Working Group to carry out the budget and scope refresh discussed prior to Town Meeting.
I am also happy to report that the Select Board designated a member of Safer Quieter Needham as a member of the Quiet Zone Working Group. This gives us an opportunity to continue our work providing information and productively contributing to the conversation on this important issue.
As mentioned above, the Quiet Zone Working Group is working toward refreshing the 2015/2016 Quiet Zone study completed by BETA. The work includes selecting a railroad consulting engineer, refreshing the recommendations, refreshing the budget estimate, and starting some of the discussions needed with various key stakeholders.
The first meeting of the Quiet Zone Working Group was held last week. The meeting can be found here: Please send us any questions or comments that you have.
The Working Group is moving quickly to solicit proposals from railroad consulting engineers and advance the refresh effort.
The Town Manager's office is implementing the initial steps of the process now, and the next meeting of the QZ Working Group is scheduled for September.
Reminder: Safer Quieter Needham petition signers are invited to participate in a "Meet the Candidate" virtual event TONIGHT AT 7:30 PM hosted by Select Board Chair Marianne Cooley ( ). ( Meeting link or see below for more information. )
MARIANNE COOLEY - TONIGHT, MONDAY 3/13 @ 7:30 PM ( Zoom link )
Tonight's event is hosted by Select Board Chair Marianne Cooley. Marianne is running for re-election after having served on the Select Board for the last 10 years and having served Needham through various roles for more than 25 years. (See her web site at to learn more about her experience, service to Needham, and more. ) We owe a big thank you to Marianne for helping to bring the Quiet Zone discussion as far along as it is today. There is much more work yet to do, but none of this would have been possible without Marianne's and the entire Select Board's leadership thus far.
Marianne is interested in hearing from supporters of Safer Quieter Needham and has offered to host an introduction/Q&A session tonight, Monday, March 13th at 7:30 PM.
Please join us and share your experiences and perspective on pursuing a Quiet Zone in Needham
Topic: Marianne Cooley - Candidate for Re-Election to Select Board - Introduction/Q&A
Time: Mar 13, 2023 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Please note, while we cannot endorse any candidate, we are excited to share with you the feedback and comments we receive from those Needham residents willing to volunteer their time to serve our community.
Reminder: Safer Quieter Needham petition signers are invited to participate in a "Meet the Candidate" virtual event TONIGHT AT 7:30 PM hosted by Select Board candidate Cathy Dowd ( ). ( Meeting link or see below for more information. )
CATHY DOWD - TONIGHT, THURSDAY 3/9 @ 7:30 PM ( Zoom link )
The first event is hosted by Select Board candidate Cathy Dowd. Cathy signed the Safer Quieter Needham petition last year and we had the opportunity to first speak with her in December. Cathy is a long-time Needham resident and a long-serving Town Meeting Member. She teaches at Needham High School and has been an active member of the League of Women Voters for many years. Learn more about Cathy at
Cathy is interested in hearing from supporters of Safer Quieter Needham and has offered to host an introduction/Q&A session this coming Thursday, March 9th at 7:30 PM.
Please join us and share your experiences and perspective on pursuing a Quiet Zone in Needham
Topic: Cathy Dowd - Candidate for Select Board - Introduction/Q&A
Time: Mar 9, 2023 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Up next ....
CHAIR MARIANNE COOLEY - MONDAY 3/13 @ 7:30 PM ( Zoom link )
The second event is hosted by Select Board Chair Marianne Cooley. Marianne is running for re-election after having served on the Select Board for the last 10 years and having served Needham through various roles for more than 25 years. (See her web site at to learn more about her experience, service to Needham, and more. ) We owe a big thank you to Marianne for helping to bring the Quiet Zone discussion as far along as it is today. There is much more work yet to do, but none of this would have been possible without Marianne's and the entire Select Board's leadership thus far.
Marianne is interested in hearing from supporters of Safer Quieter Needham and has offered to host an introduction/Q&A session this coming Monday, March 13th at 7:30 PM.
Please join us and share your experiences and perspective on pursuing a Quiet Zone in Needham
Topic: Marianne Cooley - Candidate for Re-Election to Select Board - Introduction/Q&A
Time: Mar 13, 2023 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Please note, while we cannot endorse any candidate, we are excited to share with you the feedback and comments we receive from those Needham residents willing to volunteer their time to serve our community.
We are pleased to announce the next two Meet the Candidate events.
CATHY DOWD - THURSDAY 3/9 @ 7:30 PM ( Zoom link )
The first event is hosted by Select Board candidate Cathy Dowd. Cathy signed the Safer Quieter Needham petition last year and we had the opportunity to first speak with her in December. Cathy is a long-time Needham resident and a long-serving Town Meeting Member. She teaches at Needham High School and has been an active member of the League of Women Voters for many years. Learn more about Cathy at
Cathy is interested in hearing from supporters of Safer Quieter Needham and has offered to host an introduction/Q&A session this coming Thursday, March 9th at 7:30 PM.
Please join us and share your experiences and perspective on pursuing a Quiet Zone in Needham
Topic: Cathy Dowd - Candidate for Select Board - Introduction/Q&A
Time: Mar 9, 2023 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
CHAIR MARIANNE COOLEY - MONDAY 3/13 @ 7:30 PM ( Zoom link )
The second event is hosted by Select Board Chair Marianne Cooley. Marianne is running for re-election after having served on the Select Board for the last 10 years and having served Needham through various roles for more than 25 years. (See her web site at to learn more about her experience, service to Needham, and more. ) We owe a big thank you to Marianne for helping to bring the Quiet Zone discussion as far along as it is today. There is much more work yet to do, but none of this would have been possible without Marianne's and the entire Select Board's leadership thus far.
Marianne is interested in hearing from supporters of Safer Quieter Needham and has offered to host an introduction/Q&A session this coming Monday, March 13th at 7:30 PM.
Please join us and share your experiences and perspective on pursuing a Quiet Zone in Needham
Topic: Marianne Cooley - Candidate for Re-Election to Select Board - Introduction/Q&A
Time: Mar 13, 2023 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Please note, while we cannot endorse any candidate, we are excited to share with you the feedback and comments we receive from those Needham residents willing to volunteer their time to serve our community.
Reminder: Safer Quieter Needham petition signers are invited to participate in a "Meet the Candidate" virtual event TONIGHT AT 8PM hosted by Select Board candidate Josh Levy ( (Meeting link or see below for more information.)
Safer Quieter Needham has invited all Select Board candidates to each host a similar event to discuss the Quiet Zone topic with you. Stay tuned for future announcements after the February break.
As you know, the entire Select Board including Chairwoman Marianne Cooley (also running for re-election: have supported signicantly advancing this issue. This election cycle is particularly important because, thanks to their leadership, the first major step of implementing a Quiet Zone will be before Town Meeting this spring. We are also excited that one of our own petition signers, Cathy Dowd (, is also seeking a seat on the Select Board.
While SQN is not allowed to endorse candidates, we hope these virtual events are a helpful way for petition signers to learn about each candidate and an opportunity for you to share your perspective. Your participation helps to ensure this issue remains a top priority for Needham.
Meeting info for Josh's event tonight:
Topic: Josh Levy - Candidate for Select Board - Introduction/Q&A
Time: Feb 16, 2023 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 843 2890 1851
Passcode: 189080
One tap mobile
+16469313860,,84328901851#,,,,*189080# US
We are happy to report that on Tuesday the Select Board voted to move the draft FY2024 budget forward. The budget includes the first major set of steps for a Quiet Zone in Needham.
Now begins a series of steps, including more votes, are followed before this turns into a warrant article for the May 2023 Town Meeting. Plenty to stay on top of in the coming months.
There is still a lot of work to do, but THANK YOU to everyone for your continued support and interest in this effort.
We will follow up in January about what comes next for how to help encourage the continued progress toward establishing a Quiet Zone in Needham.
Speaking of the Select Board, as you may know Select Board member Matt Borrelli will not be seeking re-election at this coming April town election. We won’t know everyone who will be seeking to fill the vacant seat until papers can be pulled in January. Nonetheless, we have had the pleasure of hearing from and speaking with one such candidate, Cathy Dowd.
Cathy is a long-time Needham resident and a long-serving Town Meeting Member. She teaches at Needham High School and has been an active member of the League of Women Voters for many years. Regarding a Needham Quiet Zone, Cathy signed the SQN petition early this year after learning about the petition and the information behind it.
While we cannot endorse any candidate, we are excited to share with you the feedback and comments we receive from those Needham residents willing to volunteer their time to serve our community.
As mentioned, town elections will be held this coming April. Have you considered running to be a Town Meeting member? Candidates elected in April will first vote in the May 2023 Town Meeting. If you might be interested in contributing your perspective on the Quiet Zone topic and other important topics affecting Needham, please reach out to learn more.
And if you are running for Town Meeting or any other position in Needham, please let us know and we are happy to highlight your civic participation.
Last, as always, please ask all voting-age household members, neighbors and friends to sign the petition: . Every signature matters A LOT.
Wishing you a wonderful holiday and a very Happy New Year with your friends and family!
The Select Board met last night as scheduled and the first step of the Quiet Zone investments remains on the draft FY2024 budget.
The Board will meet on the 20th to vote to recommend the FY2024 budget.
As always, please ask all voting-age household members, neighbors and friends to sign the petition: . Every signature matters A LOT.
Thank you
The Select Board met tonight to review the preliminary 5-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for FY2024-FY2028.
We learned that the Town Manager's office is actively advancing efforts on a Needham Quiet Zone, including a meeting tomorrow. The Town Manager anticipates providing an update to the Board in the next six to eight weeks (thus, sometime in January).
The Select Board will next meet on December 6th to further discuss the preliminary 5-year CIP (which is for FY2024 and includes the engineering and design for a Needham Quiet Zone).
The Board will meet again on December 20th to vote to recommend the first year of the CIP. This will start the Finance Committee process to generate the Town Meeting warrant articles for review/recommendation to Town Meeting.
We will update you again after the next meeting on 12/6.
As always, please ask all voting-age household members, neighbors and friends to sign the petition: . Every signature matters A LOT.
Have a very Happy Thanksgiving with your friends and family!
Yesterday the Select Board released the preliminary Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) recommendations for FY2024 (which runs 7/1/2023 to 6/30/2024).
GOOD NEWS: The CIP recommendation for a Quiet Zone is the same as last year. This means that, if approved as drafted, the first major step for a Quiet Zone will be before Town Meeting this coming May.
The Select Board will deliberate the CIP recommendations starting this coming Tuesday, 11/22.
It is expected that the Select Board will approve the CIP before the winter break.
As always, please ask all voting-age household members, neighbors and friends to sign the petition: . Every signature matters A LOT.
Thank you for your continued support and interest.
We hope everyone has been having a great summer!
Please read ... your help is needed.
This coming Wednesday, August 3rd, the Select Board will be meeting to review its goals ( ).
One of the Select Board's current goals is to "Seek Funding for Noise Reduction / Quiet Zone Feasibility and Design."
This goal has been backed by many Select Board actions, including two tranches of specific funding in its FY2023-FY2027 Capital Improvement Plan ( .
The first tranche flags $1.34 MM to fund Quiet Zone design and engineering, the first vital step in establishing a Quiet Zone in Needham.
Importantly, the first tranche is currently scheduled to be included in the FY2024 budget. This means it will be included in the Town Meeting warrant article in spring 2023.
It is vitally important the Select Board hear from you before their meeting on Wednesday.
Please send an individual email (the message can be the same) to each member of the Select Board letting them know about your support for maintaining the goal about establishing a Quiet Zone and keeping the Capital Improvement Plan on schedule:
Thank you very much for your help at this critical moment.
More to come ...
Needham's Town Election is fast approaching in 6 days on Tuesday, April 12th.
Here is why it matters to you:
Please be sure to review the latest list (updated tonight) of TMM candidates who have responded to the Safer Quieter Needham Candidate Questionnaire at
If candidates that you support have not yet responded, please encourage them to do so ... we will keep updating the list with responses until election day.
Don't forget to vote on April 12th!!!
Needham's election is fast approaching on Tuesday, April 12th. BE SURE TO VOTE !!! Recently we reached out to candidates for Select Board, Planning Board, and Town Meeting Member.
We have compiled candidate responses at Please remember that all 240 Town Meeting Member seats are up for reelection due to the census.
If you do not see a response from your representatives, please encourage them to follow up and complete the questionnaire.
A big THANK YOU to State Representative Denise Garlick, who earlier this week held her annual Report to the Community for Needham. Among the many topics, Representative Garlick emphasized her support of the Needham Select Board's efforts to maintain rail service and consider a Quiet Zone to address the health and safety issues of Needham's rail crossings.
See minute 41:00 and thereafter to see her comments here:
Thank you Representative Garlick!
Tonight the Select Board approved the FY2023-2027 Capital Improvement Plan, which includes many of the investments needed to improve the safety of Needham's railroad crossings and establish a Quiet Zone.
One small step ... with many more to go.
Please send your thanks to
Earlier today the Needham Select Board reviewed the FY2022-2023 goals that they previously established.
Regarding Goal # 3 - Accessible & Connected, and particularly Initiative # 3.3 (the Quiet Zone topic), there was a good discussion. One piece of great news to start: Based on feedback from the last Select Board meeting, the FY2023-2027 Capital Improvement Plan has been updated to set the Quiet Zone study and design investments in FY2023 into Tier 1 !
There are a number of transit and transportation-related ideas that have been or are being discussed around town. The consensus of the Board appeared to be that while those ideas are interesting and should be considered, the safety improvements that are a prerequisite for establishing a Quiet Zone are smart and worthwhile safety investments even if some of the other ideas come together over time.
The discussion reinforced a perspective Safer Quieter Needham has held from the outset: improving railroad crossing safety and eliminating non-emergency train horns is a specific outcome that Needham can accomplish by following a predefined process created by the Federal Railroad Administration. The results, which will benefit thousands of Needham residents and businesses every day, can be achieved relatively (emphasis: relatively) quickly. Further, making the needed one-time safety investments offers value to Needham for decades to come, no matter how Needham's transit and transportation profile evolves alongside the MBTA and other regional and local planning efforts.
Tomorrow night the Select Board is meeting at 6pm ( to vote on the F2023-2027 Capital Improvement Plan that has been discussed the last few meetings. Please attend in person or by Zoom ( if you can.
Also, if you have not had the opportunity to do so already, please reach out to the Select Board ( or to express your support for their continued efforts in studying and considering establishing a Quiet Zone in Needham.
A big THANK YOU to State Representative Denise Garlick, who earlier this week held her annual Report to the Community for Needham. Among the many topics, Representative Garlick emphasized her support of the Needham Select Board's efforts to maintain rail service and consider a Quiet Zone to address the health and safety issues of Needham's rail crossings.
See minute 41:00 and thereafter to see her comments here:
Thank you Representative Garlick!
Tonight the Select Board approved the FY2023-2027 Capital Improvement Plan, which includes many of the investments needed to improve the safety of Needham's railroad crossings and establish a Quiet Zone.
One small step ... with many more to go.
Please send your thanks to
Earlier today the Needham Select Board reviewed the FY2022-2023 goals that they previously established.
Regarding Goal # 3 - Accessible & Connected, and particularly Initiative # 3.3 (the Quiet Zone topic), there was a good discussion. One piece of great news to start: Based on feedback from the last Select Board meeting, the FY2023-2027 Capital Improvement Plan has been updated to set the Quiet Zone study and design investments in FY2023 into Tier 1 !
There are a number of transit and transportation-related ideas that have been or are being discussed around town. The consensus of the Board appeared to be that while those ideas are interesting and should be considered, the safety improvements that are a prerequisite for establishing a Quiet Zone are smart and worthwhile safety investments even if some of the other ideas come together over time.
The discussion reinforced a perspective Safer Quieter Needham has held from the outset: improving railroad crossing safety and eliminating non-emergency train horns is a specific outcome that Needham can accomplish by following a predefined process created by the Federal Railroad Administration. The results, which will benefit thousands of Needham residents and businesses every day, can be achieved relatively (emphasis: relatively) quickly. Further, making the needed one-time safety investments offers value to Needham for decades to come, no matter how Needham's transit and transportation profile evolves alongside the MBTA and other regional and local planning efforts.
Tomorrow night the Select Board is meeting at 6pm ( to vote on the F2023-2027 Capital Improvement Plan that has been discussed the last few meetings. Please attend in person or by Zoom ( if you can.
Also, if you have not had the opportunity to do so already, please reach out to the Select Board ( or to express your support for their continued efforts in studying and considering establishing a Quiet Zone in Needham.
The Select Board on Monday at 11:30am will be meeting at the Memorial Fieldhouse to review its goals in advance of Tuesday night’s Select Board Meeting.
You can attend the Select Board meeting via zoom ( or in person. More info here:
The Select Board is scheduled to vote on its 2023-2027 Capital Improvement Plan on Tuesday night, which includes many of the investments needed to establish a Quiet Zone throughout Needham.
Let’s continue to encourage our town leaders to make this specific, measurable, achievable, and near-term investment in the safety and quality of life of Needham.
We asked Select Board Special Election candidates Karen Calton and Kevin Keane for their views on improving railroad crossing safety and establishing a quiet zone in Needham. See their statements HERE.
Please note: Safer Quieter Needham does not endorse either candidate. We appreciate the time and attention each candidate has given to this important issue.
We are excited to announce that at the 11/30 Select Board meeting, implementing the required safety improvements and establishing a Quiet Zone were included in the *draft* 2023-2027 Capital Request!
The 11/30 meeting was the first of three meetings on the Capital Request.
The Select Board is responding to the community, and hearing from you right now at this critical time is vitally important. PLEASE CONSIDER CONTACTING THE SELECT BOARD DIRECTLY ( EXPRESSING SUPPORT FOR IMPLEMENTING THE SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS AND QUIET ZONE.
Please join our next Neighborhood Petition Drive on Sunday, November 7th from 11am to 1pm.
CommonWealth Magazine has published a report on Needham's efforts on pursuing a Quiet Zone.
Join us for our first Online Community Meeting on Monday, October 18th at 7:00 PM!
Click here to RSVP:
We will provide updates on the current status of our efforts, provide an overview of next steps, and answer questions and comments.
The Select Board will meet tonight to discuss its Quiet Zone goal and next steps in its process. This will be a discussion among Board members regarding process going forward. No public comment is anticipated.
This will be part of its regularly scheduled meeting, available both in-person at Powers Hall and via Zoom link:
The Select Board voted to “Seek Funding for Noise Reduction / Quiet Zone Feasibility and Design.”
Congratulations and thank you to everyone who has expressed their support for Needham to reconsider this important, one of many, in our community.
Thank you to the Select Board for taking this first step.
Stay up to date and get involved. Find us on Facebook, sign up for email updates, and please be sure to sign the letter of support petition.
The Select Board will be meeting on Tuesday at 6pm to review and vote on its goals for the 2022-2023 planning cycle. Included in the draft goals is conducting a study of the implementing a Quiet Zone in Needham.
And the full Agenda Packet, including goals to be reviewed:
The Needham Channel published a video segment reviewing the Needham's discussions regarding implementing a Quiet Zone.
Congratulations to Waltham for making these important infrastructure investments and moving forward with re-establishing their town as a Quiet Zone!
Select Board Member Dr. Lakshmi Balachandra has published a community-wide survey requesting feedback on numerous issues on her radar and/or before the Board already.
There is also the option to provide feedback on other topics that you can recommend for further consideration.
The survey will be available until July 15th.
Safer Quieter Needham has launched a petition to support pursuing a Quiet Zone in Needham. You can sign online securely or request a paper petition.
The Needham Select Board is reconvening tonight at 6pm to discuss their recommendation to the MBTA regarding restoring weekend commuter rail service.
As indicated last week, the Board will not be taking additional comments from the public this evening, but they are accepting additional email comments prior to tonight's hearing.
Tonight's discussion is focused on the MBTA's proposal of Option 1 and Option 2. While that is the immediate issue before the Board, we believe that the train horns have a major influence on whether Needham residents want to see better commuter rail service. Were it not for the train horns, the overall views would be much different.
Recently, Chelsea and Waltham have lost their Quiet Zone status.
All communities must ensure they are compliant with current standards to maintain their Quiet Zone status.
Both towns are now working to install the needed safety measures to re-instate their Quiet Zones.
A noteworthy quote from the WBZ article: "The MBTA told WBZ it has no role in the matter and that it’s between individual communities and the [Federal Railroad Administration]."
Tonight the Select Board held a public hearing on two potential options of restoring weekend Commuter Rail service. Many thoughtful comments and issues raised - it is a complicated issue.
While the Select Board stayed focused on Option 1 and Option 2 this evening, they intend to hold additional discussions in the future, which we welcome and support.